Editor, Chevalier Pubs:


Vol. 1 Issue 1 of Transvestia came in the mail yesterday afternoon. This is by far the most wonder- ful thing that has appeared on the TV horizon in this age. My only fear is that everything is so good about it that something will happen to put a clinker in the works. Please do not take any unnecessary chances and put us out of existence just as we are starting. Postal authorities would be the biggest hazard. There is surely nothing for them to complain about, but civil authority is most infrequently vested in logical hands. Thus far your rates are well in reason and give promise of being the best buy on the TV horizon. Please don't try to spread too fast too soon and get caught up in financial problems. If need be, many of us would probably be glad to aid with expenses rather than pro- duce money problems from expansion.

Good luck, best wishes and thank you for your in- itial sorty into print. Enclosed, of course, is my check for the next issue--make it as soon as possible.

Brenda, Penn.

Dear Ed:

The first issue of TRANSVESTIA was sent to me by Nancy in New Hampshire and I am extremely grateful to her for it. I was pleasantly surprised to see how well you have taken and made something worthwhile out of it.

If there is anything specific that you think I just might be able to do please let me know, particularly re- garding the subscriptions over here. And let me add my voice to those others whom I am sure have already con gratulated you on your first issue. I shows tremen- dous possibilities and I sincerely hope that it will continue to improve more and more with each succeeding issue. Louise, London, England